Audiovisual Technician






Hourly salary rates and scales (in dollars)

2019-04-02 to 2020-03-31
2020-04-01 to 2021-03-31
2021-04-01 to 2022-03-31
Rates as of 2022-04-01
1 21,90 22,34 22,79 23,48
2 22,55 23,00 23,46 24,17
3 23,22 23,68 24,15 24,88
4 23,91 24,39 24,88 25,63
5 24,61 25,10 25,60 26,37
6 25,36 25,87 26,39 27,19
7 25,92 26,44 26,97 27,79
8 26,51 27,04 27,58 28,41
9 27,10 27,64 28,19 29,04
10 27,70 28,25 28,82 29,40

Nature of the work*

The principal and customary work of an employee in this class of employment consists in performing a variety of technical duties linked to the use of audiovisual equipment and production.

Characteristic functions

The employee in this class of employment installs, maintains and repairs audiovisual equipment; he or she explains how it works and its possible uses; performs troubleshooting.

He or she acts as a resource person in the area of audiovisual production; oversees production planning and organization; is responsible for recording, sound recording, lighting and editing of plays and films. He or she may provide coaching to a group of students in carrying out a project or staging a show.

In his or her work, the employee explains and ensures that copyright and licensing rights are respected.

He or she may be responsible for the auditorium as well as the audiovisual and stage equipment.

He or she is responsible for the loan, return and smooth operation of audiovisual equipment.

He or she keeps an inventory of equipment and orders supplies, such as cassettes, diskettes and so on. He or she may be required to monitor the budget allocated to his or her sector.

He or she recommends the purchase of new equipment after testing it.

He or she makes copies of films, acetates, diskettes, cassettes and so on.

He or she may take pictures of students for the purpose of issuing identification cards.

He or she may be required to use a computer and the necessary software to perform his or her duties or to conduct research on the Internet. He or she may be required to assist a staff member with software specific to his or her work.

He or she may be required to train less experienced technicians as well as coordinate the work of support staff in performing duties related to the implementation of programs involving technical operations for which he or she is responsible.

If need be, he or she performs any other related duty.

Required qualifications


Hold a Diploma of College Studies in Technologie de l’électronique—audiovisuel (Electronics Technology—Audiovisual Equipment) or a diploma or an attestation of studies recognized as equivalent by the competent authority.

*The nature of the work, the characteristic duties and the qualifications required are taken from the Classification Plan.