Choosing the FPSS-CSQ
You’ve had time to think about the quality of the services our union organization can provide, now it’s time to meet us.

Why choose the FPSS-CSQ?
To be part of a modern and dynamic organization that places services at the top of its list of priorities.

Services offered to affiliated unions
What sets our organization apart is the autonomy it offers to each of the unions affiliated to our Federation and the Centrale. We are committed to respecting the diversity of local realities. We use our democratic decision-making bodies to develop the professional affairs of the school support staff we represent and work for.

We also have a dues-sharing system that truly enables dynamic union participation with a local union team that is trained, informed and released from work to adequately respond to the needs of its members.

Services offered to members
Our team of labour relations specialists and lawyers work closely with local unions to find the best ways to represent and defend our members.

The Federation also provides legal representation for legal cases in various courts (grievance, work accident, etc.). And it is very active on political bodies of the Centrale to make sure that issues affecting support staff receive the attention they require.

Finally, being affiliated to a large union means that the FPSS-CSQ can ensure that its members’ concerns are addressed at negotiating tables and by government bodies.

The FPSS-CSQ is the right choice!


Centrale des syndicats du Québec
9405, Sherbrooke East Street
Montreal (Quebec) H1L 6P3

1-855-8-S0S-CSQ  (1-855-876-7277)