30 May 2024

Agreement on texts – S3

We have just reached an agreement with the management party on the drafting of the texts of the S3 collective agreement for the school support staff of French-speaking school service centers whose members are affiliated with our federation.

These texts will specify your working conditions until 2028. The 2023-2028 collective agreement will come into force upon its signature by the national parties. The official signing should take place in the coming days and will have the effect of formalizing the collective agreement, thus allowing the payment of the salary adjustment and bonuses.

The delay between the agreement in principle and the agreement on texts 

It’s unintentional, but there is always a delay between the time an agreement in principle is reached and the moment the parties can agree on the actual texts. This is necessary to make sure the clauses of the collective agreement respect our interpretations. Rest assured that we did everything we could to speed up the process. We are happy with the results.

We will be the guardians of our collective agreements for the next few years. We’re going to make sure that the things we negotiated are respected and implemented in our school service centers.

We have a new agreement that includes significant gains that will really help to improve our living and working conditions, but we know that there is still work to be done to achieve greater recognition of school support staff. That’s why we will continue to work hard to push forward our demands, now and in future negotiations, because we deserve more.

Wage adjustments

The employer party will have a maximum of forty-five (45) days to make the salary and premium adjustments stipulated in the collective agreement.

View your salary using the salary calculator. You must specify your employment sector “school service center and school board”, your employment category “school support staff”, as well as your employment class.

Retroactive salary:

  • Salary retroactivity will be paid after the signing.
    • Employees presently working: no more than 60 daysafter the signing.
    • Those no longer employed: no more than 120 days after the signing.
  • April 1, 2023 = 6% salary increase
  • April 1, 2024 = 2.8% salary increase

Attraction and retention premium to address the shortage of skilled workers

  • Premium for skilled workers rises from ten percent (10%) to fifteen percent (15%) retroactive from the date of the signing of the collective agreement

Elements that have already been implemented

The following elements have already been implemented, even though the 2023-2028 has yet to be signed.

Faster acquisition of summer vacation days

Vacation days can be acquired faster, with the first extra day granted to employees with 15 or more years of service, and the maximum 25 days after 19 years of service instead of 25.

Seniority as of June 30 of the year of acquisition


Less than 15 years 20
15 years 21
16 years 22
17 years 23
18 years 24
19 years or more 25

Increased employer contribution to insurance plan

  • Employer’s contribution to our group insurance plan since April 1, 2024:
    • With dependents: $845.70 instead of $363.80
    • Single person: $368.40 instead of $145.60

Your local union will inform you of other terms and conditions in due course.

S12 and S13 English school boards
The drafting of the texts of the next collective agreements for the S12 and S13 English school boards is continuing and should be completed shortly.

S8 ans S9 Cree and Kativik School Boards negotiations

Negotiations for the renewal of the Cree and Kativik school board collective agreements are ongoing.