Letters Models Parental Rights
Letter Models Parental Rights
These are templates of letters to be sent to the employer requesting various types of leaves of absence you are entitled to take under the collective agreement. Simply enter the details of your specific application (your coordinates and those of your employer, the dates of your leave, options, terms, etc.), then print the letter and sign it. We strongly recommend that you send a copy to your union.
You will find all the deadlines and conditions that need to be respected in the “Guide”.
These documents are in Word format.
Model 1 Notice for 21-week maternity leave
Model 2 Notice for 20-week maternity leave (situations non-eligible to QPIP)
Model 3 Proof of admissibility to QPIP benefits
Model 4 Request for 5-day leave for the birth or adoption of my child
Model 5 Request for a paternity leave (five weeks)
Model 6 Request for an adoption leave (five weeks)
Model 7 Request for adoption of the spouse’s child
Model 8 Request for a leave without pay in view of an adoption
Model 9 Request for postponement of annual vacation
Model 10 Notice of extension of a maternity, paternity or adoption leave through a leave without pay (option “A” or “B”)
Model 11 Notice of a change of option in the extension of a leave without pay for maternity, paternity or adoption
Model 12 Advance notice of my return to work on the expected date
Model 13 Advance notice of 21 days (less than 52 weeks) or of 30 days (more than 52 weeks) to end the extension before its scheduled expiry
Model 14 Notice of a leave without pay or of a part-time leave without pay for parental responsibilities